Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Our July

Our July is going to be absolutely insane. Here's the line up:
- July 2nd-10th we will be in Denver, CO. We've got a wedding open house up there on the 9th.
-July 14th-17th we'll be up in Post Falls. I've got an orthodontist appointment AGAIN. *sigh* I want these things off.
-July 25th-August 2nd we'll be on our honeymoon to San Diego. It's gonna be a blast! I just know it. We just have to find someone to watch the girls. There are very few people I trust with them, and none of which live here. So I've gotta figure out something.

Our life has been a little hectic. Right now we've got too rat girls who run us around like crazy. They went to the vets on Friday for their URI's and are now on 2 different antibiotics. But we love them so much. We've been working with my mother in law's dog who was afraid of everything and didn't get much socialization. Brandon's been working and I've been trying to get everything else accomplished around the house and around town. Plus, here's some news. It's not 100% yet. We've got a lot of things to check out. BUT,

We may be moving to Denver. I've got accepted to the Community College of Denver, and I've sent them in a transcript. Now I just need to wait and see if my credits transfer. It's not the best idea, but it's better then staying here where there's no jobs, high cost of living, and issues with getting into programs. I'm not sure if it'll transfer, but we'll see. Anyway. I'll post some pics of my girls. :)

Clover, is on the right. Echo is on the left. Look at the size difference!

My little Echo pants! <3 Oh man.

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