Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Loving Married Life

Hello all. I know it's been quite a while, yet again, since I've posted. I thought I'd give you a little update about our lives right now.

Brandon is still doing his online classes, and working. Doing pretty well at balancing his time. Our sister-in-law is about ready to pop with her second little girl. Our apartment is a mess because I come home from my internship not wanting to clean. I do that too much at the internship. I have 6 1/2 hours left before I'm done. It's been quite an experience that has taught me so much. I've learned that unless I go and get an emphasis in laboratory work, I couldn't survive on the salary alone. But, I also learned that I can do things that I didn't think I can do. I can keep myself calm during emergencies, and I can handle sick and dying animals. I can still feel owners pain without allowing it to wear me down. I can handle surgeries without passing out (I actually find it pretty interesting.) And I've met some fantastic people, and a vet that is brilliant. I still have A LOT to learn, but, I'm working on it. In April, I'll have my degree, and then I'll decide where to go from there. Brandon and I are learning a lot about each other and our love is growing more and more each day. We went up to Post Falls this last weekend to go to our friend wedding, and to get my braces tightened. We'll be moving back there as soon as possible. I miss it there, I love it there, and it's close enough to my mom. I may not be able to live with her, but I can't live 7 hours away either. It just doesn't work right now. As for school, it looks like I may either stay here, or go to Denver. They have a couple of schools that have the vet tech stuff. Who knows. Life right now is a total blurr and it'll take a bit to figure out where we're going. Our honeymoon is The end of July :) San Diego here we come! AND we get to go to Denver on July 9th. We have a lot going on in the next few months before school starts back up, but it's going to be loads of fun.

-Mrs. Jolley

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