Thursday, April 21, 2011

Unanswered Prayers

Everyone prays at times in their lives. I pray a lot. When i was young, I was taught that God was there for us to talk to and if it was his will, he would give us what we prayed for. I have always struggled to figure out what may be in God's will. On my mission, I poured my heart out to him about many subjects. I won't go into what i prayed about, but it will suffice me to say that many prayers were answered and a few were not. Because of the answered prayers I knew that God does care and will answer my prayers if it is His will.

I used this knowledge when I returned from Ontario Canada. Upon my return i realized that all my old friends had moved on and i needed to find new ones. I was able to find a few people that i could stand being around, but there was not a person where i could call a best friend. No matter what i did and who i met i could not find a person who i could trust like a best friend. As i started to become despaired that i would never find a best friend, I remembered the prayers that I offered on my mission. I remembered that many of my prayers were answered. So i decided to pray and ask for God to send me a best friend. Many prayers and a few months went by and there was no answer. But God answers prayers in his own time and in his own way.

He answered my many prayers with someone that i thought hated my guts. Her name is Autumn Jolley. She was then known as Autumn Potts. When i first met Autumn, she would not give me the time of day. I tried everyday to be friendly and carry a conversation with her, but she would not be that way back. (It turns out that she was just being shy) I tried for over a month to become friends, but to no avail. I actually gave up on it after a while. Things changed when she finally started to started to talk to me. Our conversations were like we had known each other forever. Everything seemed effortless. After a little while i got up enough courage to ask her on a date. It was the best time i had ever had. It was during this time that i realized that my prayers had been answered. I knew i had found the one person that would always be there for me and the one person that would never give up on me. God definitely knows how to answer prayers. "Sometimes I thank God, for unanswered prayers. Remember when you're talkin to the man upstairs. That just because he may not answer, doesn't mean he dont care. Cause some of Gods greatest gifts are unanswered prayers." All those prayers that i thought were not being answered were answered in Autumn.
In the past year a lot has happened. Autumn and I went from being friends, to being best friends, to being engaged to be married, to being sealed and married. This past year has been the best year of my life and i cant wait to see what eternity has in store for the newly formed Jolley family.


1 comment:

  1. Aww... This is SO sweet! I was confused at first because I thought Autumn was writing this, but either way, this is a GREAT post! Very inspiring- I LOVE it! You two pretty much rock, and I don't even know either of you! I know you two will have an AMAZING life together :)
