Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sicker than a dog

It's been a little over 3 weeks, and so much has happened. Our apartment is pretty much put together. I'll get pictures when I start feeling better. I started my internship, but ended up very sick. I start that back up on Thursday. This may surprise everyone, but I can't wait! I'm so sick of sitting at home in bed. It's boring! For those who don't know about me being sick, here's the story.

Monday of last week, I felt like I had the flu. I had a fever and I was throwing up. I was like that all the way until Thursday. Thursday, I realized I had all the symptoms of a UTI (urinary tract infection.) I started taking the antibiotics that I got before I was married hoping it would clear up. Friday, I realized I had a REALLY high fever, and my back was killing me. I went into the doctor and was told I had a serious kidney infection. He almost did IV antibiotics, but decided to give me a shot in my hip instead to see if that worked. He told me that if I didn't feel better by the end of the weekend to go to the ER. Well, everything was gone, except my nausea by Sunday. It was so bad that I couldn't even move in bed without getting more nauseous. I couldn't stand up, I couldn't sit up, and I couldn't sleep. So Monday, I had Brandon take me into Urgent Care to see what was going on. They ran a urine test again and found that I still had a pretty big infection. He said I had an intolerance to the antibiotic I was on. So basically, the 4 days I was on it, did nothing and it was making me nauseous. He put me on something new and gave me some anti-nausea pills. Man, am I feeling better. I'm out of bed. I can eat. I can stand, and I WANT to leave the house.

Brandon did such a good job taking care of me. I seriously have the best husband ever. One thing I do know though, is I need to make friends. LOL. I don't want to just sit in this house all day. If you're married and wanna be my friend, let me know. I'm worried about a few of my best friends right now too, who aren't close to me. It's bothering me, and I wish I could help. *sigh*
Wedding pictures will be done in June. So keep an eye open for them! TTFN.

Autumn Jolley

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry that you've been so sick! Kidney infections are horrible. I was sick with that a few weeks ago. I hope you get better soon!
