Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Common Post Wedding Question

When you get engaged, it's, "When's the wedding?" Well, once the WEDDING happens, the questions is, "When are you gonna have a baby?" I cannot even tell you how many times I've been asked this in the 3 weeks that I've been married to Brandon. Here's the answer:

3 YEARS! Well, 3-5. I have school to finish. Brandon has school to finish. We have money to make. I've made the decision that I want to travel OUTSIDE of the U.S. with Brandon (Canada doesn't count.) Before I even think about getting pregnant. We have to learn to be a couple. Learn to be married. Get finances in order. Live our lives as a married couple and do things that married couples do. I know I know. I'm mormon, and we're supposed to make all these babies right? WRONG. No where does it say that Mormons are required to have 5+ children. Or have 5+ children within 5 years of being married. It's all a choice. A decision. Once that falls into the hands of The Lord, and the parents. The only mother I will be within these next few years will be of a dog. I promise you that. I WILL have a dog before I have a baby. Plus those are a lot easier. ;)

So there's your answer guys.

-Autumn Jolley


  1. You make me laugh!!! Even if you were to have one sooner, 2 minutes after it was born you'd be asked when the next one is on the way! There's just no happy medium for nosy busybody people! Keep you plan, there really is no reason for anyone to stick their nose in your business!!!

  2. :) having dogs is easier...besides most hubbys act like babies. :)

    Chris is arguing why he should be able to get a new pair of shoes for mothers day... does this work?!

    You made a smart decision autumn, enjoy your husband first. :) I LOVE YOU <3
